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pterygoid muscle中文是什么意思

用"pterygoid muscle"造句"pterygoid muscle"怎么读"pterygoid muscle" in a sentence"pterygoid muscle"的同义词


  • 翼状肌


  • Mandibular elevators include the masseter , temporalis , and medial pterygoid muscles , while the lateral pterygoid protrudes the mandible
  • Inclination of upper and lower teeth long axis was studied with lateral xray film of mandibles . results the main masticatory muscles of miniature pigs include masseter muscle , temptory muscle , lateral pterygoid muscle , medial pterygoid muscle and zygomaticomandibular muscle
    结果小型猪主要咀嚼肌包括嚼肌、颞肌、翼内肌、翼外肌及颧弓下颌肌;其中嚼肌方向与基准面夹角为63 . 9度,颞肌为114 . 55度,翼内肌为64 . 4度。
用"pterygoid muscle"造句  


  • muscle descending from the sphenoid bone to the lower jaw

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